RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 15 Water for All

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Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 15 Water for All

RBSE Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 15 Water for All Questions and Answers are designed by the subject experts based on the latest syllabus. Students can access all Chapter 15 Water for All topics preparation material like Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English online from the links available over here & ace up your preparation.

Summary of the Lesson
The chapter tells, as we already know, about the importance of water. 70% of the Globe is covered by water yet we cannot use most of it is salty. Less than 3% of all the water on Earth is fresh. Less than 1% of all water on Earth is found in form of rivers, lakes etc. The amount 2000 of water remains same as it was 2000 years ago and it has become difficult to meet the rising demand for water due to rising population. It is shocking that even Cherapunji is facing shortage of drinking water. Increasing pollution is making the situation worse. Deforestation has ruined the land. Many rivers are dying.

In addition to this leaking pipes are also a reason of water wastage. So many factors such as growing population, improper sewage disposal, poor water management etc. are causing serious public health problems. Water conservation and its proper management should be the top priority of every person. Harvesting rain water is one of the most effective ways to tackle the water crisis. Ancient techniques should be made popular to harvest water which will solve the problem of water crisis to a great extent. If we want fresh water, it is necessary to educate people to use water properly. If we need water for all, every one of us will have to contribute to solving the problem.

पाठ का सार
यह पाठ, जैसा की हम पहले से ही जानते हैं, पानी के महत्व के बारे में बताता है। पृथ्वी का 70: भाग जल से घिरा हुआ है फिर भी हम उसे प्रयोग में नहीं ला सकते क्योंकि वह खारा है। 3: से भी कम पानी पीने लायक है। 1: से भी कम पानी नदियों तथा तालाबों आदि के माध्यम से उपलब्ध है। पानी की मात्रा आज भी उतनी ही है जितनी कि वर्ष पहले थी और लोगों की पानी की बढ़ती आवश्यकताओं की पूर्ति करना मुश्किल होता जा रहा है क्योंकि जनसंख्या लगातार बढ़ रही है। यह अत्यंत दुखद है कि चेरापूंजी जैसे स्थान पर भी पानी के पीने का संकट मंडराने लगा है। लगातार बढ़ती हुई जनसंख्या समस्या को और बढ़ा रही है।

वृक्षों की लगातार कटाई के कारण धरती बेकार होती जा रही है। कई नदियां समाप्त होती जा रही है। पानी बर्बादी का एक कारण टूटे हुए पाइप भी हैं। तीव्र जनसंख्या वृद्धि, प्रदूषित जल, खराब जल प्रबंधन आदि जन स्वास्थ्य समस्याओं को बढ़ा रहे हैं। जल संचय और जल प्रबंधन प्रत्येक व्यद्रि की पहली प्राथमिकता होनी चाहिए। जल संचय पानी की समस्या से  जुड़ने का अच्छा उपाय है। जल संचय के पुराने तरीकों को पुनः लोगों में लोकप्रिय बनाकर जल संकट से काफी हद तक लड़ा जा सकता है। अगर हमें स्वच्छ पानी चाहिए तो लोगों को पानी को सही तरीके से प्रयोग करने के लिए शिक्षित किया जाना अत्यंत आवश्यक है। अगर हमें सभी के लिए पानी चाहिए तो हम सभी को इस समस्या का समाधान ढंढने में हाथ बँटना होगा।

Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 15 Water for All 1 Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 15 Water for All 2

Aquifers         : ayers of rock or soil that can absorb and store water
Pollution        : making water, air, soil etc. dangerously impure or unfit for use
Survival          : continuing to live especially after coming close to death
Deforestation : cutting down of forests
Mains             : chief pipes, supplying water
Disposal         : the action of getting rid of something
Disfiguring     : spoiling the beauty of
Sanitation      : the use of means for protecting public health especially by removing and treatment of water
Crisis              : critical, the moment of great danger or difficulty
Seep               : ooze
To follow suit : to do as someone else has done

Water for All Textbook Questions Solved

Activity – I
A. Tick the correct alternative.
सही विकल्प पर निशान लगाइए।
Question 1.
The area of globe not covered by water is
(a) 70%
(b) 30%
(c) 3%
(d) 1%
भूमंडल का वह भाग जो जल से घिरा हुआ नहीं है।
(अ) 70:
(ब) 30:
(स) 3:
(द) 1:

Question 2.
The increasing population has
(a) not affected the environment
(b) added to growing shortage of water
(c) improved the living standard
(d) none of the above is correct
बढ़ती हुई जनसंख्या ने
(अ) पर्यावरण पर प्रभाव नहीं डाला है।
(ब) पानी की कमी में बढ़ोतरी की है।
(स) रहने का स्तर बढ़ाया है।
(द) ऊपर में से कोई भी सही नहीं है।

1. (b)
2. (b).

B. Say whether the following statements are True or False.
बताइए निम्न कथन सही है अथवा गलत।
Question 1.
The major part of fresh water is found in river and lakes. .
स्वचछ पानी के प्रमुख भाग नदी और झील में पाए जाते हैं।

Question 2.
We are able to use most of the rain water………
हम लोग वर्षा के जल को अत्यधिक प्रयोग करने में सक्ष्म हैं।

Question 3.
The traditional methods of storing rainwater were useful. .
वर्षा जल के संग्रह के लिए पांरपरिक विधियाँ उपयोगी थी।

Question 4.
Deforestation causes more rainfall. ………..
वन विनाश से अत्यध्यिक वर्षा होती है।

Question 5.
Fresh water can prevent many diseases.
स्वच्छ जल से अनेक बिमारियों का रोकथाम हो सकता है।

I. True
2. False
3. True
4. False
5. True

C. Answer the following questions in 10 to 20 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 10-20 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Where did life originate?
जीवन कहां प्रारंभ हुआ?
It is believed that the life on earth began in water.
ऐसा माना जाता है कि पृथ्वी पर जीवन जल में प्रारंभ हुआ।

Question 2.
How can we solve the problem of the storage of water?
जल की कमी की समस्या का समाधान हम कैसे कर सकते हैं?
We can solve the problem of shortage of water by rainwater harvesting.
जल की कमी की समस्या का समाधान हम वर्षा के जल को संचय करके कल सकते हैं।

Question 3.
Whom do we depend on for our water supply?
हम अपनी जल आपूर्ति के लिए किस पर आश्रित है?
We depend on government for our water supply.
हम अपनी जल आपूर्ति के लिए सरकार पर आश्रित है।

Question 4.
Where do we dump our waste?
हम अपना कूड़ा-कचरा कहां डालते हैं?
We dump our waste in rivers and streams.
हम अपना कूड़ा-कचरा नदियों, नालों, जलधारा आदि में डालते हैं।

Question 5.
Which is the wettest place in India?
भारत में सर्वाधिक वर्षा वाला स्थान कौन-सा है?
The wettest place in India is Cheerapunji.
भारत में सर्वाधिक वर्षा वाला स्थान चेरापूंजी है।

Question 6.
What are the causes of water pollution?
जल प्रदूषण के क्या कारण है?
The causes of water pollution are mainly improper sewage disposal, dumping waste in river and streams, pollution and industrial waste.
जल प्रदूषण के मुख्य कारण है – गंदे पानी का अनुचित निकास, नदियों, नालों, जलधाराओं आदि में अपशिष्ट पदार्थ डालना, प्रदूषण तथा औद्योगिक कचरा

D. Answer the following questions in 50 to 60 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 50-60 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
How can we solve our water problem?
हम अपनी पानी की समस्या का समाधान कैसे कर सकते हैं?
We can solve our water problem by various methods.
Some of them are

  1. We should not waste water.
  2. ain water should be harvested properly.
  3. Ancient techniques of water harvesting should be made popular such as tank, “kunds’, kuans’, and baories’.
  4. Management of water.
  5. We should keep our rivers and streams clean.
  6. Educate people to use water properly.

हम अपनी पानी की समस्या का समाधान कई तरीकों से कर सकते हैं। इनमें से कुछ इस प्रकार है।

  1. हमें पानी बर्बाद नहीं करना चाहिए।
  2. वर्षा के पानी का संचय ठीक प्रकार होना चाहिए।
  3. पानी संचय करने के पुराने तरीकों को लोकप्रिय बनाना चाहिए, जैसे – टंकियां, कुंड, कुएं, बावड़ी आदि।
  4. पानी का उचित प्रबंधन।।
  5. हमें अपने जल स्रोत – नदियां, जलधाराएं आदि स्वच्छ रखने चाहिए।
  6. लोगों की जल को सही तरीके से प्रयोग करने के लिए शिक्षित करना।

Question 2.
Write a note on traditional method of water conservation.
जल संरक्षण के पारंपरिक तरीकों पर एक टिप्पणी लिखिए।
India has a long tradition of water harvesting. Harvesting rainwater is one of the most effective way to tackle the water crisis. The basic principle is to collect the rain water where it falls, use it and let it seep into the ground. Ancient techniques of water harvesting like digging of deep underground chambers for storing rainwater included ‘tanks’, kunds’, ‘kuans’ and baoris’. These technique should be restored in overcoming the problem of water.
जल संरक्षण में भारत की अनेक पारंपरिक विधियां रही हैं। वर्षा का जल संचय करना उनमें से सबसे अधिक प्रभावी तरीका रहा है, पानी की समस्या से निबटने का। जिसका मूल आधार हैं – वर्षा के पानी को वहां इकट्ठा करना जहां वह गिरता है और उसे पृथ्वी में रिसने देना और आवश्यकता के अनुसार प्रयोग करना। प्राचीन तरीके जो जल संचय के लिए प्रयोग में लाई जाती थी जैसे – टंकियां, कुंड, कुएं एवं बावड़ी। यह तकनीकें पुनः अपनायी जानी चाहिए ताकि पानी की समस्याओं से निजात पाई जा सके।

Activity – II
A. Complete the sentence using the word provided in the bracket.
(thirsty, contaminated, disposal, made)
I. The food was ………. therefore we avoided eating it.
II. The officer put the new peon at my ……….
III. In summer we frequently feel ………..
IV. A law should be ………. to maintain order and decorum in society.
I. contaminated
II. disposal
III. thirsty
IV. made

B. Complete the following sentence using the appropriate from of words given in the brackets.
I. We should treat animals and people with ……….. (human)
II. Some dishonest traders create the artificial ………. of essential commodities to earn more money. (short)
III. Mr. Patidar, who is well known for his ………. and good rapport with labourers, is the manager of a factory. (efficient)
IV. ………. has ruined the land and changed climate causing less rain in some area. (deforest)
V. To face the present day water problem we have to invent some new improved method of water ……….. , (harvest)
I. humanity
II. shortage
III. efficiency
IV. deforestation
V. harvesting.

C. Write one word for each of the following groups of words.
I. A person who buys goods or uses services.
II. The science or practise of cultivating the land.
III. To supply land of crops with water by means of streams, channels, pipes, etc. …..
IV. Making something dirty or impure. ……….
V. People who live in an area, a city or a country. ……….
I. Customer
II. Agriculture
III. Irrigation
IV. Pollution
V. Citizen.

D. With the help of a dictionary find out the meanings of the following sets.
In addition to, aquifers, seep, lead the way, gave up, take up, because of
I. In addition to — something more than I already given; आलावा
II. Aquifers — layer of rock or soil that can take in or hold water; चट्टान या मिट्टी की परत जो जल सोख कर उसका संचय करती है।
III. Seep — flowing of liquid very slowly through something; रिसना |
IV. Lead the way — to show path; दिशा दिखाना |
V. Gave up — stop doing something; बंद कर देना।
VI. Take up — to start something; प्रारंभ करना |
VII. Because of – as a result of; के कारण |

Activity – III
Read the following sentences carefully taken from the text you have read.
I. India receives more than 350 million hectares of rainfall every year.
II. Improper water sewage disposal and poor water management cause serious public health problems.
III. Mizoram meets most of its water needs through roof top harvesting.
In all the above three sentences the verb are in simple present tense which show that the action is done repeatedly or habitually. It represent something which is often/generally or frequently done. We use simple present tense generally with some adverbs: usually, normally, frequently, everyday, seldom, always, sometimes, never, etc.

A. Now use the correct verb from of simple present tense in following.

I. In winter, people ………. Sweater and jerseys. (wear)
II. It usually ………. in July and August. (rain)
III. My grandson, Jyotirmay, ………. ice and sweets. (like)
IV. A baby ……… When it is hungry. (cry)
V. Good people never ………. a lie. (tell)
VI. My grandmother ………. to temple every morning and evening.(go)
VII. Water………. at 100 centigrade. (boil)
VIII. The sun ……… in the east and …….. in the west. (rise, set)
IX. Deepavali ……… in October or November every year. (fall)
X. A Bhartiya kisan ………. very hard. (work)
XI. She ………. to school everyday but not on Sunday. (go)
I. wear
II. rains
III. likes
IV. cries
V. tell
VI. goes
VII. boils
VIII. rises, sets
IX. falls
X. works
XI. goes.

B. Look at the following sentence.
1. It is shocking to note that the Cheerapunji, which is one of the world’s wettest places, is facing a serious shortage of drinking water.
2. It is clever to save some money for future.
In the above sentence “to’is followed by an infinitive. The use of infinitive shows purpose. It tells why something is/ was easy/ difficult/ interesting dangerous to do or not to do. The structure is: It + be + adj + to infinitive

Question 1.
Complete the following sentences as shown in the example :
It is safe to ………..
It is safe to keep left.
I. It is dangerous to …
II. It is wrong to ……….
III. It is good to ………..
IV. It was impossible to …….
V. It was risky to ……….
VI. It is bad to ……
VII. It was easy to ……….
VIII. It is wise to ………
IX. It was always safe to ………
X. It is foolish to ……….
I. It is dangerous to play with electricity.
II. It is wrong to argue with elders.
III. It is good to exercise daily.
IV. It was impossible to save him.
V. It was risky to drive in rain.
VI. It is bad to fight with anyone.
VII. It was easy to solve this question.
VIII. It is wise to study regularly.
IX. It was always safe to wear helmet while driving.
X. It is foolish to play on road.

C. Read the following sentence carefully.
Rain water runs off so fast that little can be collected for use.
In the above sentence the use of ‘so …. that suggest that the flow of water is very swift and therefore almost no water can be stored for use. ‘so … that’ is followed by result. The structure is – …………… SO + adj. / adv. + that …… (Result) Example: He ran fast. He caught the thief. He ran so fast that he caught the thief.

Question 1.
Now join the following sentencse using ‘so …. that’.
I. Raju worked very hard. He may become rich soon.
II. In rained heavily. All the rivers and brooks were in flood.
III. The old man walked very slowly. He missed the last bus for his village.
IV. The road is very slippery. You cannot balance and walk home safe.
V. The hill is very steep. Small children cannot climb it.
I. Raju work so hard that he may become rich soon.
II. It rained so heavily that all the rivers and brooks were in flood.
III. The old man walked so slowly that he missed the last bus for his village.
IV. The road was so slippery that you cannot balance and walk home safe.
V. The hill is so steep that small children cannot climb it.

Question 2.
Complete the following
I. Mr. Agarwal is so helpful ……….
II. She dances so gracefully ………
III. Some people are so forgetful ……….
IV. The car was so swift
I. Mr. Agarwal is so helpful that everyone seeks him.
II. She dances so gracefully that it’s always good to see her performance.
III. Some people are so forgetful that they don’t remember where they kept things
IV. The car was so swift that it reached the destination in time.

Activity – IV
Question 1.
Pronounce the following words clearly.
Rajasthan Board Solutions for Class 8 English Chapter 15 Water for All 3
Wise (वाइज)–बुद्धिमान
Dependent (डिपेंडेंट)–आश्रित
Compulsory (कंपलसरी)–अनिवार्य
Sanitary (सेनिटरी)–साफ-सफाई संबंधित
Typical (टिपिकल)-विशिष्ट
Wisdom (विजडम)-ज्ञान
Necessity (नेसेसटि)—आवश्यक
Dependence (डिपेंडेंस)–निर्भर रहना
Compulsion (कंपल्शन)—अनिवार्यता
Sanitation (सेनिटेशन)-सफाई प्रबंध
Type (टाइप–प्रकार

Question 1.
Since the beginning of the world water has been great natural phenomenon for human being “Jal hai toh Kal Hai”, without water we cannot exist. Keeping the idea of importance of water and its conservation, write an article on it.
Importance of water:
The earth without water is difficult to imagine. It is believed that the life on earth began in water. Water covers 70% of the globe. Less than 3% of all the water on Earth is fresh water. Water gives life to thirsty cities and dried crops and is used in industries. Rising demand for water are difficult to be met. If we want fresh water for all, it is necessary to educate people to use water properly. Wastage of water should be avoided as far as possible. We should keep our rivers and streams clean. Water harvesting can also be taken up by people to overcome the problem of water crisis. If we need water for all, every one of us will have to contribute to solving the problem. There is no wisdom in suffering from shortage amidst plenty.

Water for All Additional Questions And Answers

A. Tick the correct alternative.
सही विकल्प पर निशान लगाइए।
Question 1.
It is believed that life on earth began in ………
(a) water
(b) soil
(c) forest
(d) village
ऐसा माना जाता है कि पृथ्वी पर जीवन ………. प्रारंभ हुआ था।
(अ) जल
(ब) मिट्टी
(स) जंगल
(द) गाँव

Question 2.
How much water on Earth is fresh?
(a) 5%
(b) less than 3%
(c) 4%
(d) 1%
पृथ्वी पर कितना पानी साफ है?
(अ) 5:
(ब) 3; से कम
(स) 4:
(द) 1:

Question 3.
How much rainfall is received every year by India?
(a) more than 350 mill. hec. m.
(b) 450 mill. hec. m.
(c) 550 mill. hec. m.
(d) 220 mill. hec. m.
भारत में प्रतिवर्ष कितनी वर्षा होती है?
(अ) 350 mili hec. m. से ज्यादा
(ब) 450 mili hec. m.
(स) 550 mili hec. m.
(द) 250 mili hec. m.

Question 4.
Which place in world is the wettest place?
(a) Jaipur
(b) Delhi
(c) Chennai
(d) Cheerapunji
संसार में सबसे अधिक वर्षा कहाँ होती है?
(अ) जयपुर
(ब) दिल्ली
(स) चेन्नई
(द) चेरापूंजी

Question 5.
A typical example of dying river is ……
(a) Ganga
(b) Yamuna
(c) Saraswati
(d) Kaveri
सूखने वाली नदी का प्रमुख उदाहरण है।
(अ) गंगा
(ब) यमुना
(स) सरस्वती
(द) कावेरी

1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (a)
4. (d)
5. (b).

B. Answer the following questions in one sentence.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर एक वाक्य में दीजिए।
Question 1.
According to W.H.O. report, how many people are infected with snail fever?
विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार कितने लोग घोंघा ज्वर से संक्रमित हैं?
According to. W.H.O. report, about 200 million people are infected with snail fever.
विश्व स्वास्थ्य संगठन की रिपोर्ट के अनुसार लगभग 20 करोड़ लोग घोंघा ज्वर से प्रभावित हैं।

Question 2.
Who is leading the way in rain water harvesting?
वर्षा जल संचय में सबसे आगे कौन है?
Rashtrapati Bhavan is leading the way in rain water harvesting.
वर्षा जल संचय करने में राष्ट्रपति भवन सबसे आगे है।

Question 3.
Which place meets most of its water needs through roof top harvesting?
कौन-सा स्थान अपने जल की अधिकतर आवश्यकता को छत पर जल संचय द्वारा पूरा करता है?
Aizawal in Mizoram needs most of its water needs through roof top harvesting.
मिजोरम में आइजल अपने जल की अधिकांश आवश्यकता को छत पर जल संचय द्वारा पूरा करता है।

Question 4.
Which disease could be caused by polluted water?
प्रदूषित पानी से कौन-सी बीमारियां फैल सकती है?
Disfiguring and disabling disease could be caused by polluted water.
प्रदूषित पानी से अंग विकृति और तथा विकलांगता की बीमारियां फैल सकती हैं।

C. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 words.
निम्न प्रश्नों के उत्तर 30-40 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
Which law relating to rainwater harvesting was made in Chennai and when?
चेन्नई में वर्षा के पानी का संचयन से संबधित कौन-सा कानून, कब बनाया गया था?
In 1994, a law was made for the citizens of Chennai making it compulsory for new buildings to harvest rainwater if they wanted Municipal water connection.
सन 1994 में चेन्नई के नागरिकों के लिए एक कानून बनाया गया था कि नई इमारतों को (म्यूनिसिपल) नगरीय जल सेवा प्राप्त करने के लिए अनिवार्य रूप से वर्षा जल संग्रहण या संचय करना होगा।

Question 2.
Which ancient technique of water harvesting is popular in some cities?
कौन सी प्राचीन पद्धतियां, जल संचय की, कुछ समाजों में आज भी लोकप्रिय है?
Ancient technique of water harvesting like digging of deep underground tanks for storing rainwater are popular in some societies which have increased crop production by approximately 50%.
कुछ समाजों में वर्षा जल संग्रह के लिए जल संचय की प्राचीन पद्धतियां जैसे जमीन के अंदर गहरे कक्ष खोदना आज भी प्रचलित है जिसके कारण फसल का उत्पादन लगभग 50: बढ़ गया है।

D. Answer the following question in 50 to 60 words.
निम्न प्रश्न का उत्तर 50-60 शब्दों में दीजिए।
Question 1.
What should be done if we want fresh water for all?
साफ पानी के लिए हमें क्या करना होगा?
If we want fresh water for all, it is necessary to educate people to use water properly. Wastage of water should be avoided. We should keep our rivers and streams clean. Water harvesting can also be taken up by the people. If we need water for all, every one of us will have to contribute.
साफ पानी के लिए हमें सभी लोगों को शिक्षित करना होगा ताकि वह पानी ठीक तरीके से उपयोग करें। पानी की बर्बादी को रोकना होगा। हमें अपनी नदियों तथा अन्य जल स्रोतों को साफ रखना होगा। जल संचय को भी अपनाना होगी। अगर हम सभी के लिए पानी चाहते हैं तो सभी लोगों को इसमें अपनी भागीदारी देनी होगी।

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