RBSE Class 8 Maths Model Paper 2 English Medium

RBSE Class 8 Maths Model Paper 2 English Medium are part of RBSE Class 8 Maths Board Model Papers. Here we have given RBSE Class 8 Maths Sample Paper 2 English Medium.

Board RBSE
Textbook SIERT, Rajasthan
Class Class 8
Subject Maths
Paper Set Model Paper 2
Category RBSE Model Papers

RBSE Class 8 Maths Sample Paper 2 English Medium

Time: 2½ Hours
Maxim Marks: 80

General Instructions to the Examinees

  1. Candidates must first, write their Roll No. on the question paper compulsorily.
  2. All questions are compulsory.
  3. Write answer to each question in the given answer book only.
  4. Answers of the questions with internal division should be written at one place.
  5. Draw a table in your answer-book and give answer of questions number 1 to 6 (M.C.Q.s) in it.
  6. Weightage of the question is written infront of the question.

Question 1.
\(\sqrt[3]{\frac{7}{875}}\) is equal to : [1]
(a) \(\frac {1}{15}\)
(b) \(\frac {1}{5}\)
(c) \(\frac {1}{3}\)
(d) \(\frac {1}{4}\)

Question 2.
Diagonals of a rectangle are : [1]
(a) not equal
(b) equal
(c) double to other
(d) none of these

Question 3.
The requirement of toal measurement to draw a unique quadrilateral is [1]
(a) two
(b) three
(c) four
(d) five

Question 4.
Which of the following example of the three-dimensional shape : [1]
(a) Triangle
(b) Rhombus
(c) Rectangle
(d) Sphere

Question 5.
If 3x + 5 = 17, then value of x is: [1]
(a) 2
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) 5

Question 6.
Why it is required to arranged data systematically? [1]
(a) for beautiful snap
(b) for making table
(c) for meaningful conclusion
(d) none of these

Question 7.
What is definition of a perfect cube? [2]

Question 8.
Two sides which have no common points, are called of a quadrilateral? [2]

Question 9.
Find solution of equation 2x – 3 = 7. [2]

Question 10.
Determine compound interest on Rs. 12,600 for 2 years at 10% annual rate of interest if calculated yearly. [2]

Question 11.
Write formula of probability of an event. [2]

Question 12.
If 24 Pajamas are made up from 54-meter cloth of equal dimension. Then how much cloth (in m) are required for each pajama? [4]

Question 13.
Distance between sun and earth is 1496 x 108 meter and distance between earth and moon is 3.84 x 108, at the time of solar eclipse, moon is between earth and sun. What is distance between moon and sun at that time of solar eclipse? [4]

Question 14.
Find out multiplication of 9 × 8 × 15 by Nikhilam (Base 10) sutra. [4]
Find 10 rational numbers between \(\frac{-5}{6} and \frac{5}{8}\).

Question 15.
If value of every interior angle of a regular Polygon is 165° then find the number of sides. [4]

Question 16.
Divide 23 into 552 Dhwajank. [4]

Question 17.
If the circumference of base of a cylindrical tank is 176 cm and its height 30 cm then find the curved surface area. [4]

Question 18.
Determine angle related to following mistakes of traffic in the given pie chart. [4]
RBSE Class 8 Maths Model Paper 2 English Medium image 1

  1. Drive dangerously.
  2. Indiscipline.

Question 19.
Factorise : p2 – 10p + 21 [4]

Question 20.
Solve : 0.5m + 1.5 = 0.25m – 1.5 [4]

Question 21.
Solve (2x + 3y)2 and (103)2 using Identity. [4]

Question 22.
After giving a discount of 20% on mark price, a book was sold for Rs. 320. Determine mark price of the book. [6]
Malaria is spreading in a city. For its prevention togging, Spray of kerosene, removing water togging and applying cow dung. DDT spray used due to which number of malaria patient get reduced by 5%. If number of patients in this week is 6859 then what was the number of malaria patients three weeks back?

Question 23.
Construct a quadrilateral ABCD in which BC=4.5 cm , AD = 5.5, CD = 5.0, Diagonal AC = 5.5 and diagonal BD= 7.0 cm? [6]

Question 24.
The diagonal of the rhombus are respectively 10 cm and 12 cm. What is the area and perimeter of [6]
the rhombus.
RBSE Class 8 Maths Model Paper 2 English Medium image 2

Cylinder A has diameter of 14 cm and height of 7 cm and cylinder B has diameter 7 cm and height 14 cm. Without calculation tell volume of which cylinder is more? Verify the answer by calculation. [6]
RBSE Class 8 Maths Model Paper 2 English Medium image 3

Question 25.
Number from 1 to 10 is written on 10 different slips (one number on each slip). They are mixed together and put box.
A slip is taken out without looking into box. What is the probability of following [6]

  1. obtaining number less than 5
  2. obtaining number more than 5
  3. obtaining number an even number.
  4. obtaining number a one digit number.

We hope the given RBSE Class 8 Maths Model Paper 2 English Medium will help you. If you have any query regarding RBSE Class 8 Maths Sample Paper 2 English Medium, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.